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About us

The history of Steinpol began in 1991 and has always been filled with true passion, knowledge, and the will to create and introduce new innovations. The founder of the first factory was Bruno Steinhoff, one of the pioneers of the concept of transferring furniture production from Germany to Poland. This idea turned out to be a success. By 2007, the concern already owned 7 upholstered furniture factories in Poland and one in Hungary. In turn, in 2011 there was a fusion of production plants. Since then, each of the factories belongs to one company under the name Steinpol. They all share common customer service, purchasing, logistics, and accounting. In 2019, Steinpol joined forces with the Cotta group.

Our values are, above all, creative and qualified people who make up our team and all our exceptional clients. It is they who drive the brand and influence its successive progress. Steinpol constantly invests in new technologies and improvements in the quality of goods and services, which, combined with many years of experience, makes it one of the undisputed leaders in the production of upholstered furniture in Europe.

History of Steinpol


Establishment of the first factoryin Rzepin


Investments in Zielona Góra and Chociszewo


Construction of a new factory in Kłodzko and Prudnik.


The factory in Witnica joins the Steinpol group.


Establishment of an administrative and logistics center in Rzepin, concentrating the production and sales service of all factories.


Fusion – the Steinpol group is supplied by 6 factories.


Purchase of the Steinpol company by the Cotta group

Our locations

Get to know the factories where our assortment is produced

Steinpol Central Sercices oddział w Rzepinie

Steinpol Central Services oddział w Rzepinie

ul. Fabryczna 13, 69-110 Rzepin
tel. +48 95 7132 400

Oddział w Zielonej Górze

ul. Dekoracyjna 10, 65-722 Zielona Góra
tel. +48 95 7132 360

Oddział w Witnicy

os. Południowe 2, 66-460 Witnica
tel. +48 95 7132 840

Oddział w Kłodzku

ul. Objazdowa 5, 57-300 Kłodzko
tel. +48 95 7132 700

Oddział w Wołowie

ul. Powstańców Śląskich 17, 56-100 Wołów
tel. +48 95 7132 900

Oddział w Prudniku

ul. Meblarska 1, 48-200 Prudnik
tel. +48 95 7132 200

Oddział w Chociszewie

Chociszewo 99, 66-304 Brójce Lubuskie
tel. +48 95 7132 100